

发布时间:2023-11-01 人气:

本文摘要:“贫困”是雅思文学创作最常用的观点之一,将这个传达运用好,之后可以精彩应付多个话题。大家最熟知的最常用的“贫”是“poor”,如果通篇用于这个词就不会变得单调、词汇短缺。 下面环球教育(即环球雅思)沈阳学校栗源锶老师就教给大家如何根据语境,“花式”传达贫困,让你的用词瞬间地道。




下面环球教育(即环球雅思)沈阳学校栗源锶老师就教给大家如何根据语境,“花式”传达贫困,让你的用词瞬间地道。先来记几个关于贫困的传达:1.people who live in poverty 生活在贫穷中的人(这个短语将形容词poor名词化,更加月)2.people from disadvantaged backgrounds 名门富贵的人(译为:来自没优势的背景人)3.break the cycle of poverty 超越贫困的循环4.go from rags to riches 由贫困到富足(rag贝壳 这传达很形象很地道吧)接下来我们想到有哪些题目可以中用这些传达:题目1:the best way for a country to prepare for the future is to invest more resources for its young people. How true do you think of it? What is the best way to invest more resources on young people?政府投资年轻人。题目分析:年轻人是国家未来发展的驱动力(driving force),而投资年轻人的最差方法就是投资教育。因为:Public schools enable students who live in poverty/ students from disadvantaged backgrounds to gain equal access to education.公立学校使得贫困生(留意传达1.2的用于)有某种程度的机会拒绝接受教育。

This can help these young people find decent jobs and break the cycle of poverty.这需要协助这些年轻人寻找体面的工作,超越贫穷的循环。题目二:Instead of requiring the government or students to bear the cost of higher education, universities can persuade the government to issue loans to students, who will repay the loans after graduation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?政府或学生缴纳大学教育的费用,还是政府给学生贷款,毕业以后在还。题目分析:政府贷款的益处是使穷学生也能上得起大学(pursue a degree 译为:执着学历),寻找体面的工作,超越贫穷的循环。

阐述几乎和上面的例子完全相同:Government loans enable students who live in poverty/ students from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue a degree. This can help these young people find decent jobs and break the cycle of poverty.这个思路只不过可以用在任何政府投资教育的题目里:如:政府投资类,只要牵涉到到投资public facilities,我们都可以用公立学校,公共图书馆做到例子,然后写出上述益处。再行看一道科技类的难题:Some people think technological development increases the gap between the rich and the poor, while others believe it has the opposite effects. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.科技造成了贫富差距的增大还是增大了贫富差距。题目分析:第一个观点较为好论证,科技繁盛意味著机械化,低生产力,享有这些的富人累积财富更加慢,造成社会两极分化。第二个观点大家可以这样阐述:Modern technologies indeed have provided great opportunities for people to go from rags to riches.现代科技事实上给人们获取了由贫到富的机会。


Compared to traditional companies that require large initial investment and higher operation cost, the Internet is a cheaper and more accessible platform for an ordinary person to make a fortune.与必须大量初始投资和高额运营成本的传统公司比起,网络是一个更加低廉更容易认识的平台,普通人也需要赚。关于贫穷我们一共自学了四个传达:1.people who live in poverty 生活在贫穷中的人2.people from disadvantaged backgrounds 名门富贵的人3.break the cycle of poverty 超越贫困的循环4.go from rags to riches 由贫困到富足同学们,学会了就吧这些传达中用文章中去吧!。

